Secret Letter

Unlock hidden gates


During this activity you will reflect more on yourself as an educator and on what are the things that you might need to change. 

Time needed: 45 minutes 

Materials needed:

  • Paper and pen

Description of the Tool:

Step 1: Find a quiet place, put some relaxation music and try to calm down. 

Step 2: Now that you have calmed down, start to reflect about the following questions: 

  • What is bothering you currently?
  • What are the problems you are facing recently?
  • What went wrong in your day? What were the things this week you did that you were not very happy with?

Step 3:  Write down your thoughts and reflections in a form of letter to yourself. 

Step 4: Take a short break of 5 minutes.

Step 5:  Re read the letter and think about any achievements you have done, any changes you want to make. Congratulate yourself on your ach9evmnets and start to think on how to achieve the changes you would like to make. 

Tip: The only rule you need to follow is to write with honesty and your most genuine thinking.