Geoclube is a Youth Association founded in 2000 by a group of teachers and students from the highschool of Gondomar. The main objective of the association is to foster the active participation and the involvement of young people in the decision making process of their education and their future. Moreover, Geoclube – Youth Association aims to create opportunities for young people to be active, to participate and to have special interest in issues that concern directly their future, such as Education, Politics, Economics, Social problems, Employability and Environment related issues.
We have two offices: one in the House of Volunteering of the Municipality of Gondomar, and a second one located inside one of the municipality social housing where we are partners in a social inclusion project – P@ssport’In. Both offices are located in the city center of Gondomar, where we can reach a wider percentage of population and have a bigger room for activities like workshops, trainings, and mentor young interns from different areas. This also improved greatly the visibility of our NGO amongst young people and local community in general.
Our main target group are young people from 7 years old to young adults until 20 years old and also all the educational community that is involved in the education system: parents, teachers, counselors, social workers and others.
For a more effective work, we established partnerships with local private and public Institutions from Gondomar’s local community, such as: Agrupamento de Escolas nº1 de Gondomar – High School of Gondomar; CINDOR – Vocational and Professional Training School of Jewelry and Gold handcraft; Câmara Municipal de Gondomar – Municipality of Gondomar; União de Freguesias de Gondomar, Valbom e Jovim – Local Parish of Gondomar, Valbom e Jovim; Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Gondomar – Holy House of Mercy of Gondomar. Our Youth Association is also part of: RNAJ – National Network of Youth Associations – 2008-00118; FNAJ – National Federation of Local Youth Associations; FAJDP – Federation of Youth Associations of Porto District; Anna Lindh Foundation – Portuguese Network; Eurodesk Portugal Multiplier and House of the Volunteering of Gondomar