Live Leaves Structure

Main Aim:

Naturalistic and Mathematics Skills.

Time needed:

  • 3 to 4 days

Materials needed:

  • Leaves
  • Circle
  • Tags Number
  • Billboard
  • Acrylic colours
  • Brushes
  • Crayons
  • A4 sheets

Group Size:

  • 12 to 15 max

Age of Students:

  • 4-5 years

Description of the tool:

  • Walk outside; Observation and collection of leaves in Autumn, with focus on children’s impression and questions.
  • In classroom observation and explanation of the main parts and structure of the leaf focus on difference between the leaves to arrive to common structure.
  • Grouping activity based on colour, dimensions, shape.
  • Order the leaves from the smaller to the bigger; from the least colourful to the most colourful.
  • Enter the correct number of leaves based on the tag number indication.