Cool’ture Excursion

Cool’ture Excursion



  • Have educational and recreational time with multicultural learning through interactive activities
  • Understand that there is much to learn through variety of cultures that exist in the world
  • Get to know the iceberg culture model, anti-bias approaching attitude
  • Be more aware and keeping in mind to appreciate and embrace the diversity, respect the multiculturalism
  • To explore cultural differences through intercultural communication

Suggested time needed: 90 Minutes

Group Size: 25 -35

Materials needed:

  • Chairs, according to the number of participants
  • Sticky notes with the names of five different types of fruit, according to the number of participants
  • Five different colored sheets of cardboard (or colored name tags)
  • Tape
  • Pins to identify the different culture each person belongs to
  • One copy of the relevant instructions for each cultural group
  • Paper
  • Chairs for the different stations Mobile phone
  • Cards with words and phrases in 5 different languages
  • Five lists with names of Gods, their ideologies and beliefs;
  • Five  image puzzles from a meal
  • Five flags
  • Five cards with dance instructions and a link to the specific music;
  • Fifteen  cards with different manners and behaviors
  • Five cards of each country
  • Laptop for projecting the results to the students; 

Description of the Tool:

Step 1: The participants will be divided into different stations, with each station representing a different culture.

Step 2: Each station has to carry out the tasks given to them. Give each group time to go over their cultural instructions. Warn participants that the groups are not allowed to tell others about their cultural characteristics.

Step 3: Once everyone is ready, ask all participants to walk around the room and communicate with the members of the other cultures according to the instructions they have been given.

Step 4: After 10 minutes, or whatever time feels right with your group, ask everyone to stop

Step 5: Once the simulation is over a good debriefing process should follow

Notes to facilitator:

Note 1: Having a facilitator with each station will help the process to go on more smoothly