Character Strength


To be aware of what character strengths and values students have

Time needed:

  • 2 hours

Group Size:

  • Any size

Age of students:

  • 8-17 years old

Materials needed:

Description of the tool:

  • The educator invites the students to take the online survey. They will answer a set of questions and the educator will provide support if needs be
  • After answering all the questions, the students will receive a short report by email that will outline their main strengths
  • The students will be given some time to reflect on their strengths while reading the report. They can share the top three with the group and give feedback to each other 
  • Following group work, the educator will pass on some cardboard pieces in the shape of a bookmark and the young people are encouraged to use ‘I am’ statements linked with the top 3 character strengths (for example: I am kind, I am curious, I am creative). They will have time to colour and design their bookmark. 
  • The educator will prepare the laminating machine to laminate to bookmarks.