Emotion Wheel


Provide younger students with more vocabulary and awareness about different emotions experienced.

Time needed:

  • 1 hour

Age of Students:

  • 6-12 years old

Group Size:

  • Either small groups or whole classroom

Materials needed:

  • Emotion wheel, small whiteboard each or white sheet of paper each, different coloured markers, Website: https://tools-unite.com/tools/random-picker-wheel?fbclid=IwAR3hQeCcEuNtRgQsm9JuDJdV_LSVcqex9NQE-o_c3KqF-wyPHFavXhLkzys 

Description of the tool:

  • The educator visits the website: https://tools-unite.com/tools/random-picker-wheel?fbclid=IwAR3hQeCcEuNtRgQsm9JuDJdV_LSVcqex9NQE-o_c3KqF-wyPHFavXhLkzys and inputs different emotions chosen from the emotion wheel 
  • During class, the educator shows the emotion wheel to the students and explains the different emotions 
  • Using the website, the educator spins the wheel and according to the different emotion the students must continue the statement: ‘I feel/felt (emotion picked) when ….’ on either the whiteboard or the paper 
  • The students can red what they have written so that they can relate to each other’s experiences 
  • This can be repeated as necessary.