Spot the Adjective


To learn Adjectives

Time needed:

  • 45 minutes (for 2 times)

Group Size:

  • 6 students

Age of Students:

  • 7-11 years old

Materials needed:

  • The big umbrella (book or you tube video) by Amy June Bates, mini whiteboards

Description of the tool:

  • Show the front cover of the book (paper or video). Ask children to describe the picture, example: What do you see? How is it? (Focus on adjectives, round, tall, short, happy, well, red)
  • Play the video and pause it in places where you can ask the children to make predictions. Example what do you think will happen next? (Accept all answers)
  • After watching the video for the first time, ask questions to check comprehension: close-ended questions, example: yes/no, true/false answers  open ended questions, example: who was under the umbrella? tell me something about him/her/it
  • Replay the video. Ask children to identify adjectives by writing them on the mini whiteboards. IF need be, pause the video after each page containing an adjective.
  • Ask the children to write all the adjectives on their copybook. They divide the page into two, and invite them to find the opposite of those adjectives (if they have any)
  • Discuss concepts that relate to soft skills like friendship, inclusion, kindness, offering shelter.
  • Finally, invite children to re-write the story using their own words.