Roll the Dice

Roll the Dice

Theme: Provide opportunities for empathy, reflection and expanding social abilities


  • To help students understand how newcomers in a new community feel when they arrive
  • To help the students understand the integration process of a person in a community

Suggested time needed: 90 Minutes

Group Size: 15 -25

Materials needed:

  • Dice
  • Instructions
  • White Papers
  • Pens

Description of the Tool:

Step 1: The first step would be to give the instructions paper to the participants and give them some time to read the instructions.

Step 2: Tell the participants to practice a bit the game.

Step 3: After 10 minutes of practicing the real game starts. From now on the participants cannot talk to each other.

Step 4: After each round there will be a winner and a loser. The winner and the loser from each team will leave their team and join another one and once again they will play again.

Step 5: After the simulation a good debriefing process should follow. Some good questions that you can ask can be found in the attachments below

Tip to Facilitator:

Tip 1: This simulation can be carried both online and offline

Tip 2: Make sure that during the simulation the students stay focuses and do not speak between themselves