Open Letter

Open Letter

Theme: Raise awareness about cultural diversity


  • To make the community aware of cultural diversity issues
  • To encourage people to express their concerns and experiences
  • To stimulate self-reflection
  • To help the participants find a safe place where they can share the problems they face.

Suggested time needed: 45 minutes

Group Size: 15+

Materials needed:

  • One mailbox
  • Ball-point pens
  • Paper, envelopes
  • Two tables
  • One chair per person

Description of the Tool:

Step 1:The implementation of the methodology begins with an awareness-raising and education regarding the topic of cultural diversity and how writing can help to expose some problems experienced in this area.In this way, posters, flyers and publications in social networks on the topic of cultural diversity and therapeutic writing would be created.

Step 2: The next step would be to set up some tables and chairs in an open space preferably outside in the nature, but can also be done inside. The educator, should also lay down the small mail box, writing paper, envelopes, ball-point pens and the flyers.

Step 3: The participants will be asked to first calm down and relax and then slowly start reflecting on past experiences that they have passed from where they themselves have experienced prejudice due to cultural diversity or they saw someone experiencing exclusion due to cultural diversity.

Step 4: The participants will be asked to write down about this experience. They will be invited to write down how they felt when this happened, how did they react? They will be invited to write down this experience and the feelings in the form of a letter, poem a story or any way that they would like to. The participants will then put the letters in the letterbox.

Step 5: The educators will then gather the whole group and ask the people if they want to share their experience, how they felt, what they learned out of this experience and also what are their suggestions that would help in creating a more inclusive society.

Notes for facilitators:

Tip 1: Some meditation music will help people to connect more with themselves and it will surely help in the reflection process.

Tip 2: Using outside in nature rather than outside to run this activity will help in the reflection process too.