Maths Trail


Students can enjoy a pleasant walk whilst discovering and solving mathematical problems on real objects

Time needed:

  • 2 hours

Group Size:

  • 5+ students

Age of students:

  • 6-7 years old

Materials needed:

  • Printouts of the maths trail, pens and pencils

Description of the tool:

  • The educator prepares a trail of nearby places by taking photos and preparing questions (the attachment can be used as an example)
  • On the day of the activity, the educator divides the students into groups of 5 and explains that they will be going out of the classroom for a walk whilst trying to solve mathematical problems on real objects
  • It is important that the educator together with learning support assistants or other class assistants accompany each group
  • The educator provides the teams with an allocated time to finish the task
  • Once back in class, the students will share the answers to the activities they had in their trail as well as reflect on the challenges and the fun parts of the activity.