Castle Quiz


The students to be able to comprehend a text and imprint it logical

Time needed:

  • 45 minutes

Age of Students:

  • any age

Group Size:

  • 20+ students

Materials needed:

  • cards (plicker cards), a mobile phone, a screen (tv, projector), a laptop

Description of the tool:

The teacher shares with his/her students the text of the subject he/she wants to work on. To find out if the above object is cleared, he/she uses the application of website. The teacher prepares beforehand a questionnaire which he/she hands in to the students. The app needs to be downloaded on the teacher’s phone and the square cards printed (they can be found on the app).  Cards need to be cut around the perimeter so that they are ready to use. The teacher needs to create a folder in the digital library of plickers website.

From his/her mobile device, the digital classroom with students’ names is selected (this would have been already created and questions already listed in here). The selection of questions is chosen from the “queue” tab. Once selected the live view page on Plickers website will automatically be updated on the screen of the projector, with the hidden answer. From the device, the teacher seems the live view status at the top of the query. He gives each of the students the card, he has associated with their name and asks them to turn it over to the side of the square with the letter of the correct answer art the top.

The teacher presses the scan/camera button to start scanning the students’ cards, the Live View page from the Plickers website will be updated in real time with the answers.

By default, the students can see if their card has been scanned, so they know when to put them down, when the scan is finished, the teacher presses the “check” button to finish. 

From there, the results will be displayed on the device of the teacher. To reveal the results to his/her students from the live view page, the teacher selects “reveal” from the web, To proceed to the next question, he presses the “back” button from the mobile application and select the next question in the “queue”