Emotion Wood Pieces


Using mathematical skills such as puzzle work while raising awareness about different emotions.

Time needed:

  • 1 hour

Group Size:

  • 5-10 students

Age of students:

  • 12+ years old

Materials needed:

  • wood pieces or cardboard pieces forming a puzzle, markers and emotion wheel

Description of the tool:

  • The educator prepares the puzzles either through thin wooden material or else through cardboard material. Different sets of puzzles will be created and each set includes a different type of emotion using the emotion wheel. For example: being happy can include playful, joyful, successful, confident, and loving whereas angry can include distant, frustrated, hostile, dismissive and mad.
  • The educator takes some time to explain that there are different emotions, and we can experience different emotions at different time. The educator explains also the main aim behind puzzles.
  • Each student takes a puzzle piece with an emotion and reflects on that emotion and when they felt it (they can write this down if necessary). According to the emotion on their puzzle piece, they will start forming the puzzle and hence forming smaller groups.
  • In small groups, the students will discuss the different emotions found on their puzzle and share with the other students, instances where they expressed any of the emotions found in the puzzle. 
  • In the meantime, the educator will go around groups helping them in their reflections and explaining the main differences between the emotions present.