Name of Training: Mentoring under Construction – Let’s face it in 2022!
Dates: 27-31/3/2022
Country: Bucharest Romania
Mentoring under Construction is a process of exploration and community building in the landscape of mentoring within the European Solidarity Corps. This time for real, in a face to face event!
Mentoring under Construction is a process of exploration and community building in the landscape of mentoring within the European Solidarity Corps.
This process started online in late 2020 and still continues several online events later bringing altogether more than 100 professionals and passionate in the field of mentoring.
Building the Mentoring under Construction Community
Now, we want to develop this community further. And… Let’s face it, face to face makes a difference. Same principles but a different vibe!
The Mentoring under Construction Community that we are envisioning is being built by professionals interested in raising the quality in mentoring, in search for:
Building a common understanding of key concepts around the role of mentor: role, responsibilities, needed competences
Personal and professional development to keep up with the emerging challenges in the field of mentoring
Knowledge sharing and good practices
A vibrant network of mentors, ready to support one another, learn and develop
Target group
So, if you are a mentor or just about to embark on this journey, if you are developing and implementing ESC projects, if you are coordinating volunteers or facilitating their learning process, if you are developing tools and resources about mentoring, joining this process of building a Mentoring under Construction Community is the right place for you.
A three days face to face event. New dates 27-31st of March 2022
(arrival day 27th, full activity days 28-30th, departure day 31st of March)
The event was postponed (inital dates – 24-28th of October 2021) duue to the national interdiction on organizing any courses announced on 23rd of October.
Why? Join us for the first face ot face event in 2021 to continue the community building process in order to:
Connect with professionals in the field of mentoring from all over Europe
Share good practices and relevant resources
Tackle the challenges in the field of mentoring
Identify further steps for working and supporting each other
Who? All who have engaged so far are warmly welcomed and those who are interested to join from now on are eagerly expected.
This is a pilot face to face activity and is restricted to ESC program countries and some conditions imposed by COVID19 (see details HERE). The participants should provide:
Proof of full vaccination, completed at least 10 days before travelling.
Proof of recovery from COVID-19. Validity: 180 days
Negative test PCR result. Validity: 72 hours (costs to be covered by the participants)
All the approved applications are still considered and the the initial participants invited to be part of the event.
New applications (until the new deadline) will be considered as well and the new selection process will be also in place in addition to the initial one.
Follow-up / MeetUP
This event will be followed up by a series of MeetUPs, short thematic events aiming to address specific mentoring issues based on the community interests as well as online workshops. In addition a series of videocasts and online resources are envisaged to be produced and/or shared.
Name of Training: DOES IT MAKE SENSE? – How to foster critical thinking in young people
Dates: 28th March – 2nd April 2022
Country: Bucharest Hungary
This TC aims to train youth workers to support young people to think in a complex world and grow their ability to question if others’ ideas and opinions are just, fair and evidence-based.
Can you believe everything you think? Is everything you experience true? This TC aims to train youth workers to support young people to think in a complex world and grow their ability to question if others’ ideas and opinions are just, fair and evidence-based.
Does It Make Sense is a training experience in 3 steps created to develop youth workers’ competences for promoting critical thinking in young people. Participants will be invited to reflect on their own beliefs and question their awareness and biases about different causes, identify which skills they want to develop with young people and learn tools to transfer that knowledge into their own realities. There will be a strong practical/experiential approach to equip participants with tools to engage young people in this reflection and to promote their participation in the causes they believe in. This training will also include online activities before and after the presencial part to ensure that the content can be linked effectively with participants’ daily practice.
Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Increase awareness about the world around them and the issues that they want to have a voice on.
Develop individual and groups critical thinking skills and abilities;
Challenge adultism and feel empowered to voice their questions and opinions through activism.
Raise their voice by creating media content that reflects their perspectives and realities
Learning Outcomes:
Question thoughts, biases and assumptions, and reflect on a topic understanding more perspectives
Get to know different projects/approaches about the topic of critical thinking
Create specific media content to their target groups
Have a clear plan on how to promote critical thinking with their groups
In this course we will challenge educators to use non-formal learning (NFL) to ignite young peoples’ natural capacity to question and challenge current systems in a democratic society. For this we will explore and learn about the art of questioning, coaching techniques, diverse reflection methods and photovoice. We will apply the principles of NFL, the program will be practical, experimental and theoretical.
23 March 2022 – half a day online meeting
28 March 2022 – arrival day
29 March – 1 April 2022 Training course in person
2 April 2022 Departure day
20 April 2022
Target group
Youth workers, youth leaders, educators, social workers. Up to 30 selected participants.
Name of Training: Youth@Work “Digital Green Innovation” Conference
Dates: 3-7/5/2022
Country: Cyprus
This conference aims to explore the employability and entrepreneurship opportunities in the digital and green sectors and thus create a cross-sectoral network of professionals.
The conference will provide a look into the future technological developments, skills and knowledge needed in the green and digital labor market. The impact of artificial intelligence and automatization of jobs on the labour market is significant. It is therefore important for youth work practitioners, formal educators, and other relevant stakeholders to be informed and get a glimpse of what the future might look like and of the competences needed for employment and entrepreneurship. Moreover, since digitalization offers opportunities for greener events and for reducing the carbon footprint of “business as usual” activities, this conference will provide an opportunity for connecting the green and ICT sectors.
Youth@Work Partnership on youth employability and entrepreneurship of Erasmus+ National Agencies
This conference is part of the Youth@Work Partnership, alongside other projects tackling youth employability and entrepreneurship, organised by the 14 member Erasmus+ National Agencies and SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres. You can learn more about Youth@Work at and on our social media channels (please check the programme of the event for the links).
Aim and Objectives of the Conference:
– Explore the employability and entrepreneurship opportunities in the digital and green sectors, the environmental footprint of the digitization process and enhance the cross-sectoral collaboration;
– Create space for exchange for digital innovators and green entrepreneurs to network with youth work practitioners and other relevant target groups;
– Discuss and share possible policy interventions for stimulating green digital innovation and adapting innovation, employment and educational policies;
Target Groups:
– Young innovators and entrepreneurs
– Education sector (formal and non-formal) HE, VET
– Youth work practitioners
– Business (ICT and green) sector
– Relevant Ministries and competent authorities dealing with Youth, Information and Communication Technology, Education, Science, Labor, Environment
– Innovation and start up funds.
Organisation respects the current COVID-19 situation
Currently the activity is planned to be hosted residentially in Cyprus. In case the COVID-19 situation prevails and prevents travelling, the organisers will look into the options of organising the activity either in blended form or online.
Name of Training: A.C.T. for Democracy (Active Citizens Together for Democracy)
Dates: 6-11/4/2022
Country: Bulgaria
A.C.T. for DEMOCRACY is an educational pathway that gives possibility to go deeper into the values, concepts and effective mechanisms to ensure youth participation through active dialogue, cooperation and effective decision-making processes.
A.C.T. for Democracy
(Active Citizens Together for Democracy) For the past years, we have witnessed a crisis of democratic values. Justice, liberty, equality, solidarity, equity are no longer in the core of the democratic discourse. This results in another type of crisis – the failure of representative democracy and the rise of extreme movements throughout Europe. In this context, anti-democratic and even anti-humane narratives expand where main easy-to-blame perpetrators are migrants and refugees, ethnic and religious minorities, people with different cultural and sexual identity. Standing strong for peace, democracy and equality is the only possible way to build a sustainable and developing common European future. Understanding and being able to communicate the existing dangers and all negative consequences of hate speech, radicalization and political manipulation is a must-to-know that all the youth workers and educators need to acquire. Therefore, it is essential to put efforts into reflecting upon democracy as a complex socio-political construct, composed not only by procedures and legitimate rules but also by value based preconditions, in order to find more efficient tools for fighting radicalisation and antidemocratic trends in nowadays Europe.
A.C.T. for DEMOCRACY is an educational pathway for motivated and passionate youth workers and volunteers that gives the possibility to go deeper into the values, concepts and effective mechanisms in order to ensure youth participation through active dialogue and cooperation, but also through effectively taking part in decision-making processes in their local, regional, national and European context.
What is the AIM of A.C.T. for DEMOCRACY? The main aim of the training course is to support active youth workers and volunteers to comprehend contemporary democracy as a concept and as a practice by creating a safe space for learning and critical thinking for better understanding of their local realities, providing efficient tools and working educational approaches, hence how they could take an active role against radicalization, hate speech and manipulation.
Our objectives are:
– To explore and fully comprehend Democracy not only as a set of rules and procedures but as a complex concept based on values (peace, equity, solidarity, equality, coexistence),functioning in the context of dynamic societies and the link to the prevention of radicalization and marginalization;
– To understand the relations between lack of value-based democracy and the rise of radical ideologies and movements;
– To raise awareness about the extreme social and political movements in Europe and its negative implications in nowadays society;
– To explore broader understanding of Citizenship (also taking into account the revised YP key competences and the ETS Competence model for youth workers) through the concepts of human rights education and global education;
– To empower participants to take a proactive role in the social processes in their own realities in through youth work and trainings to combat hate speech, radicalization and exclusion;
– To reflect on the role of community work in addressing social injustice and inequality.
Target group: youth workers, volunteers (EU program and partner countries)
Duration: 7 days – 5 training days and 2 days for travel
Name of Training: Study session: Climbing the ladder – Capacitating youth leaders to facilitate youth participation in decision-making processes at the local level
Dates: 24-30/4/2022
Country: Strasbourg, France
The Study session aims to revitalize pluralistic democracy and promote quality development and recognition of youth work through sustainable actions plans, valorizing the role that young people can play in these processes.
The participants will expand their knowledge about youth work and youth participation in decision-making processes, including most recent trends, while improving their practical skills in facilitating short activities and designing a youth dialogue process.
Moreover, the participants will complete the study session with a clearer vision and a step-by-step working plan on how to implement the outcomes of the session and be more engaged as young facilitators for democratic processes in their local and regional realities. They will work together on the production of a set of qualitative guidelines for the development of training activities dedicated to the target group of “youth leaders”.
The specific objectives of the study session are to:
bring together and train 25 Youth leaders from all around Europe about youth participation in decision-making processes at the local level and youth work, in line with the most recent recommendations, structures, models;
create and test a learning module based on non-formal education that includes vital skills (such as advocacy principles, outreach strategies, facilitation skills) to encourage youth leaders to take action at the local level and multiply their learnings and attitudes with their peers;
explore the impact of Covid19 in the traditional and formal processes of youth participation (youth councils, youth organisations, youth delegate program, etc) and map new forms of participation that emerged during the pandemic (from the experience of DYPALL Network and that of the participants – e-participation, blended mobilities);
reflect on various tools, both traditional and digital, that can boost the active participation of young people in their local societies;
empower 25 young facilitators committed to revitalising pluralistic democracy and foster youth political participation from the local to the European level.
Name of Training: First 5000 mistakes
Dates: 13-21/3/2022
Country: Hollókő, Hungary
The project focuses on our attitudes towards making mistakes, their perception and evaluation, embracing and recognizing them as an important tool for self- improvement in the learning process.
To achieve this we set up the following objectives:
learn from mistakes and understand that they are important elements of one’s learning cycle
apply theatre improvisation while working with young people to welcome mistakes with a positive attitude
design, facilitate and evaluate learning sessions applying the method
explore how to transform the method in educational settings
provide open space to share non-formal educational methods focusing on learning through failing
The program is based on experiential learning, non-formal learning with different kinds of activities, which will be a combination of nonverbal and verbal exercises, focusing on, making mistakes, attitudes toward mistakes, the learning process and creativity. The main used method will be improvisational theatre, where everything is built spontaneously on spot. It is based on co- creation, creativity, high level of attention, self-initiative, flexibility and decisiveness. A positive attitude is a way we approach this method because it creates a comfortable, safe environment and solid grounds for collective creativity.