Emotions’ Sudoku


Intrapersonal intelligence exploits the knowledge children have of their own emotions and feelings.
It will be a work to be done individually and will improve the children’s mathematical and logical skills through an emotion Sudoku.

Age of students:

  • 5 years

Group size:

  • Work to be done individually (then they will share their feelings in the group class)

Time needed:

  • 2 hours (depending on the class)
    You can also dedicate more hours of the day to this activity or spread it over different days

Materials needed:

  • Printable Sudoku scheme (see the example below)
    The scheme therefore in this case is composed of 9 squares each of which notes to be filled with the 9 emotions
  • Emoji represented 9 emotions: Happy; Sad; Surprise; Angry; Confused; Bored; Worried; Excited; Calm
  • Stick

Description of the tool:

Print out a simple Sudoku scheme and several coloured emoji representing the emotion described above (you can also choose other emotions).
Each child should have their own diagram and some emoji to fill in the empty boxes.
Distribute the resources to the pupils and introduce the topic by talking about each emotion represented by the emoji.
Explain the rules of Sudoku
The rules are the classic Sudoku rules: each grid must accommodate the 9 emotions. In general, each emotion must appear in each row and each column without ever repeating.
When the work is finished, explain to your children that they have used an important skill in solving Sudoku: logic.
And tell them that the pattern they completed could represent each person, our emotions can coexist in ourselves just as they coexist in the squares of the sudoku pattern.
Also, as with sudoku, in real life it can happen that our emotions can meet and/or “crash” with those of their classmates and create a rainbow of emotions.
And it is very important to recognise all the emotions we feel because if we recognise them, we can see this rainbow.

Example of Sudoku scheme

Printable 9x9 Sudoku Puzzle Template